Cleaned Up – But Not Filled!

Mat 12:43 “Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.

A simple breakdown of the words in these verses will reveal an interesting perspective.

unclean spirit” (impure; ceremonially, morally, lewd, and even demonic, foul)

When this uncleanness is expiated, expelled from the person; Notice“he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.”

It is most often presumed that the “he” here is strictly in reference to the unclean spirit. That may or may not be so, but what I have experienced and what I have seen in others suggests that those who simply have a religious experience and clean up their act are not only selling themselves short of the blessings of being filled with the fullness of YAH, but are also leaving themselves vulnerable to a worse condition!

Mat 12:44 “Then it says, ‘I shall return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds it empty, swept, and decorated.”

Then IT says…”

I shall return” (to revert back, to turn about)

to my house” (dwelling, household, family)

And when it comes, it finds it empty” (on holiday, perceived to be at leisure, vacant, having no substance, given to self)

swept” (cleaned up, swept clean)

decorated” (put in a worldly order, trimmed outwardly)

Mat 12:45 “Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.”

Over the years I have seen numerous people raise their hand in answer to an evangelistic invitation, go forward, be immersed, join the church, serve as musicians, singers, deacons, elders, and even pastors, only to watch those same people reach the end of their “dry, restless” religion and go back to what they had supposedly come out of! Some went back into a lawless religious form of worldliness. Some went back into the secular form of worldliness… I believe that is what verses 43-45 are describing. They were never filled with The Set-Apart Spirit and were found “empty, swept and decorated.” Their end is worse than their beginning…

Matthew 5:17

Matthew 5:17 – 18 ” “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets.1 I did not come to destroy but to complete. Footnote: 1The Law and the Prophets is a term used for the pre-Messianic Scriptures.
For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.”

Why did YAHSHUA have to address false assumptions? Evidently there were rumors that HE was discontinuing the Law…and possibly even the Prophets of the Scriptures. Why do we have to address this question? Because the same false assumptions exist today!

Verse 17a “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets”

“destroy”: Strong’s Hebrew & Greek Dictionaries

G2647 “kataluo”

From G2596 and G3089; to loosen down (disintegrate), that is, (by
implication) to demolish (literally or figuratively); specifically (compare G2646)
to halt for the night:—destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to nought,
overthrow, throw down.

Notice the context: It appears that HE is referring to BOTH the Law AND the Prophets. The context seems to suggest that whatever HIS intention is for EITHER, is HIS intention for BOTH. Has HE done away with the Prophets?

Verse 17b “I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.”

“fulfill”: Strong’s Hebrew & Greek Dictionaries

G4137 “pleroo” play roo o

From G4134; to make replete, that is, (literally) to cram (a net), level up (a
hollow), or (figuratively) to furnish (or imbue, diffuse, influence), satisfy, execute
(an office), finish (a period or task), verify (or coincide with a prediction), etc.:—
accomplish, X after, (be) complete, end, expire, fill (up), fulfil, (be, make) full
(come), fully preach, perfect, supply.

The following verses use the same Greek word “pleroo”;
Matthew 3:15 “But Yahshua answering, said to him, “Permit it now, for thus it is fitting for us to fill all righteousness.”
– Is YAHSHuA saying here “to do away with or discontinue all righteousness?”
Philippians 2:2 “…make my joy complete by being of the same mind, having the same love, one in being and of purpose…”
– Is Paul saying here “to do away with or discontinue his joy?”
Colossians 1:25 “…of which I became a servant according to the administration of Elohim which was given to me for you, to fill the word of Elohim…”
– Is he saying here “to do away with or discontinue the Word of YAH?”
2Thess 1:11 To this end we always pray for you that our Elohim would count you worthy of this calling, and complete all the good pleasure of goodness, and the work of belief with power…”
– Is he saying here “to do away with or discontinue HIS good pleasure?”

Proponents of the belief that YAHSHUA “fulfilled” the law from this point on in this chapter, thus “discontinuing” or “doing away with law altogether”, also say that HE intends to now introduce a “new standard or set of laws” state that HE now proceeds to negate the “Old Testament Law” throughout the remainder of this chapter. These people became known as “Antinomianists” during the 2nd / 3rd centuries. This word came from the Greek word for “lawlessness” found throughout the New Testament. (See References on page 2)

Here is what the Holman’s Bible Dictionary says about this early movement:

ANTINOMIANISM (an tih noh’ mih an ihsm) The false teaching that since faith alone is necessary for salvation, one is free from the moral obligations of the law. The word antinomianism is not used in the Bible, but the idea is spoken of. Paul appears to have been accused of being an antinomian (see Rom. 3:8; 6:1, 15). While it is true that obedience to the law will never earn salvation for anyone (Eph. 2:8-9), it is equally true that those who are saved are expected to live a life full of good works (see, for example, Matt. 7:16-20; Eph. 2:10; Col. 1:10; Jas. 2:14-26). Since we have been freed from the dominion of sin through belief in YAHSHUA, we have also been freed to practice the righteousness demanded by YAH (Rom. 6:12-22).

In Legge’s “Forerunner’s and Rivals of Christianity a work on the history of the Early Church, he states”

(in the late 2nd to early 3rd centuries) “Some well-known Church Fathers who came from Gnosticism were Epiphanius, who had been a Nicolaitan, Ambrose of Milan, who had been a Valentinian, and Augustine, who had been a Manichean for 9 years before joining the Catholic Church. All these Gnostic sects were distinguished by their rejection of the Old Testament Law, some of them even rejecting the Mighty One of the Old Testament, and some of them even equated the Mighty One of the Old Testament with the Evil One! In their rejection of the Old Testament Law, the Valentinian Gnostics even rejected all moral laws, leading to scandalous living.

The Marcionites were later on refuted, but they also contributed toward the aversion to, and even rejection of, the Old Testament. Manes and his followers, the Manicheans, from among whom Augustine came, “looked on Judaism with horror, rejected the Old Testament entirely…”



From G459; illegality, that is, violation of law or (generally) wickedness:
iniquity, X transgress (-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.

References to “lawlessness” in the New Testament:

Matthew 7:23 – And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Matthew 13:41-42 – ““The Son of Aḏam shall send out His messengers, and they shall gather out of His reign all the stumbling-blocks, and those doing lawlessness, and shall throw them into the furnace of fire – there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

Matthew 23:38 – ““So you too outwardly indeed appear righteous to men, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness.”

Matthew 24:12 – ““And because of the increase in lawlessness, the love of many shall become cold.” 

Romans 6:19 – ” I speak as a man, because of the weakness of your flesh. For even as you did present your members as servants of uncleanness, and of lawlessness resulting in lawlessness, so now present your members as servants of righteousness resulting in set-apartness.”

2Corinthians 6:14 – Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

2Thessalonians 2:7 – For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work;

Hebrews 1:9 – (quoting from numerous Psalms & Prophets)You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness

1John 3:4 – Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.

Please notice that the consistent use of this word “lawlessness” in these verses, contextually is describing some very serious consequences!

  • In light of these verses is it safe for anyone to say that YAHSHUA is saying in Matthew 5, that HE has “done away with ALL Old Testament Law?”
  • When does YAHSHUA say that this will be accomplished?

Matthew 5:18 – “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”

When is that going to happen? Sometime in the future according to these verses:
2Peter 3:10 – But the day of the Master will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Rev 20:11 – Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them.
Rev 21:1 – Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.

Again, in light of what the Scriptures say, is it wise to say that YAHSHUA in Matthew 5:17 is suggesting that The LAW of YAH is NOT relevant any longer?

You decide. I pray that you make your decision based on what the Scriptures are saying instead of what lawless men are saying…

The Law of The Spirit


The following paragraph from a typical commentary is supposed to help the reader understand and rightly apply Romans 8:1-8. The perspective seen in this commentary reflects that perspective held by much of today’s traditional Christianity regarding The Law (Torah or Instruction) of YAHWEH. Unfortunately an unspiritual approach has enabled this perspective to be propagated. May you see the contradictions and inconsistencies of this commentary and today’s un-scriptural view of  the Words of YAHWEH!

The commentary states;

How does the Christian live a righteous life without a constant struggle to keep God’s Law? Paul introduced another universal principle: the law of life lived in the power of the Spirit (8:1-2). Old Testament Law failed to produce righteousness. So in Messiah God condemned “sin in sinful man’’ and provided His Spirit, who enables believers to fully meet the Law’s requirements without “trying” (vv. 3-4). We focus on responding to God’s Spirit rather than on trying to keep laws (vv. 5-8). If we’re controlled by the Spirit who brought life to Messiah’s dead body, He will bring life to us who are spiritually dead (vv. 9-12). Our obligation is not to the Law, but to respond to the Spirit’s promptings (vv. 13-16).

Romans 8:1

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Messiah YAHSHUA.”

Some would have us believe that Paul is making a distinction between the The Law of YAHWEH and Messiah YAHSHUA. However, if we are to stay with the context of the previous chapter we realize that Paul addresses the condemnation that comes upon those who “add to and/or subtract from” (Dt. 4:2 & 12:32) HIS Word and as the result are guilty of creating their own (or another) law! This, the Pharisees were guilty of. This also, today’s Christianity is guilty of.

Paul expresses this in Romans 7:22-23,

For I joyfully concur with the Law of YAHWEH in the inner man, but I see a DIFFERENT law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind (the Law of YAH), and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members.”

An All Knowing ELOHIM would know that men would eventually replace HIS Law with their own law. The other law that Paul refers to in Romans 7 is that law that his sect had taught him to walk in prior to his coming to the unadulterated Law of YAH through his conversion in MESSIAH YAHSHUA! These two laws are in opposition to each other and cannot be reconciled. Paul describes the struggle that he has as he commits to the Law of YAHWEH through the renewal of his mind as a recipient of HIS SPIRIT, while at the same time his flesh wars against YAH’S Law at every turn. But YAH ALSO foreseeing this, promises the remedy to HIS own in Ezekiel 36:26-27;

“Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put MY SPIRIT within you and cause you to walk in MY Statutes, and you will be careful to observe MY Ordinances!”

In Messiah, one has the capacity to walk in obedience to HIS Law, by the power of HIS SPIRIT.

So again, we see Paul stating in Romans 8:1 that the condemnation of walking in law according to man is overcome by those who allow the SPIRIT to accomplish HIS work of causing HIS people to walk in HIS STATUTES and ORDINANCES. (HIS Law) Paul further clarifies this as we move on…

Romans 8:2

For the law of the Spirit of life in Messiah Yahshua has set you free from the law of sin and of death.”

Some (in their lawlessness) would have us to believe that this “law of the Spirit” is a law that is completely disconnected from and in contradiction to the already established Law of YAH! How can that be? We must ask ourselves; Has the Spirit of YAH somehow established HIS own set of laws? Has the Spirit of YAH decided to act on his own accord? Consider what YAHSHUA says concerning the character/nature and ministry of HIS Spirit:

John 16:13

“But when HE, the SPIRIT of Truth comes, HE will guide you into all the truth; for HE will not speak on HIS own initiative, but whatever HE hears, HE will speak; and HE will disclose to you what is to come”

John 14:15-17

“If you love me, keep MY Commandments. And I will pray the Father , and HE shall give you another Comforter (HIS SPIRIT), that HE may abide with you for ever; the SPIRIT of TRUTH whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth HIM not, neither knoweth HIM: but you know HIM; for HE dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”

John 14:26

But the HELPER, the Set-Apart SPIRIT whom the FATHER will send in MY name, HE will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”

From these verses it is apparent that the only Law/Commandments that The SPIRIT of TRUTH is to have anything to do with is The Word, the  Commandments uttered by YAHWEH HIMSELF!

Some even attempt to take their argument further and would have us to believe that the Commandments that YAHSHUA is referring to in John are only those which HE established during HIS earthly ministry! Lets keep in mind what John the apostle says in regards to who YAHSHUA is! According to his gospel in chapter 1, verse 1;

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with YAH and the Word was YAH. HE was in the beginning with YAH.”

John says that YAHSHUA came as The Word / YAH incarnate. So, if YAHSHUA is both The Word & ONE with YAH, when did HE begin to speak the things that the SPIRIT is to “bring to our remembrance?” Some would have us to believe that YAHSHUA began to speak beginning in the New Testament. How can that be if HE is described in the New Testament as YAH The Word??? If YAH does not change and YAH’S Word does not change, how do we scripturally rationalize having TWO opposing sets of YAH’S Law in existence? (i.e. one set of laws in the Old Testament and another set in the New Testament)

So, since HE is The Living Word of YAH, when YAHSHUA states that the Set-Apart SPIRIT will “bring to your remembrance all that I said to you” HE is referring to the process of the fulfillment of Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36 with HIS Statutes, HIS Ordinances being now on the hearts and in our minds of those who receive HIM! Those who would rather have a New Testament (ONLY) YAHSHUA with a New Testament set of commandments are perverting the Scriptures and have fallen into what the New Testament refers to as “lawlessness” (anti-law) or the attitude and actions of rejecting the Law of YAHWEH. For that they will have to stand before The Living Law of YAH and give an account. I fear that it will not be a pleasant experience for them…

Many who reject this truth cite verse 3 in Romans 8 to somehow try and establish a case for YAH’S Law being “weak and beggarly”. But notice where the real weakness lies…

Romans 8:3

For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, YAH did; sending HIS own SON in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, HE condemned sin in the flesh,”

There are two possible applications to what Paul refers to here.

  1. Paul is saying that the Law of YAH was rendered weak “through the flesh”, being written on stone it was not capable of empowering anyone to obey it.

  2. Paul is saying that men have taken YAH’S perfect Law and polluted it by “adding to it and/or subtracting from it” making it weak and fleshly.

In either case, or even the combination of these two possibilities, it makes no difference, YAH sent HIS SON, The Living Word to inaugurate the New Covenant through HIS sinless life (as witnessed by HIS Law), proving HIMSELF to be the atoning sacrifice for OUR sins as The LAMB of YAH!

Romans 8:4

that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
Look at how perfectly this all fits together in context! Because Messiah YAHSHUA, (being YAH / Word incarnate) walked according to The Law of YAH, exposing the law of man (lawlessness in unbelief), and lived sinless so that HE would be an acceptable sacrifice on the for our sins, as proven by HIM being victorious over sin and death, we now by having HIS Law upon our hearts & minds are empowered by HIS SPIRIT to walk in obedience to HIS Law and experience victory over the flesh! Blessed be HIS Name!

Romans 8:5

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.”
Simply put; “If your religion is based on what man (Adamic flesh) establishes, (unbelief, disobedience, additions to / subtractions from HIS Law), that is where your allegiance will be. If your religion is based on what YAH establishes, (Belief, Truth, HIS Law in your heart & mind) being quickened by HIS SPIRIT , then consequently your allegiance will be to HIM/HIS Word!” Paul states it this way so that you and I can objectively determine exactly where our own allegiance lies!

(See article, “Measuring Belief Systems By The Commandments“)

Romans 8:6

For to be carnally (fleshly) minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”

Being fleshly minded in unbelief, (having your allegiance to what man establishes) will result in death. This is what Paul referred to earlier in verse 2, as “the law of sin and of death.”

Being spiritually minded in belief, (having your allegiance to what YAH establishes) will result in life! This is what Paul referred to earlier in verse 2, as “the law of the Spirit of life in Messiah Yahshua…”

Romans 8:7

Because the carnal(fleshly) mind is enmity against YAH; for it is not subject to the Law of YAH, nor indeed can be”

Notice which mind cannot be subject to The Law of YAH! It’s the Adamic/carnal/fleshly mind who is not experiencing The New Covenant as prophesied in Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36 and witnessed on The Day of Pentecost in Acts 2! It’s the carnal/fleshly mind who rejects YAH’S Law, written on the heart/mind, empowered by HIS SPIRIT causing obedience to HIM! But today’s Christianity is being taught that it is the spiritual minded believer who is to reject YAH’S Law, saying that obedience to YAH’s Law is “legalism, bondage, etc.” and is irrelevant to him/her today!!! That is diametrically opposed to what we have just read in The Scriptures!

Romans 8:8

So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please YAH.”

Those with their allegiance to what man establishes cannot please YAH because they have their minds set on a man made standard that either pollutes YAH’S Law by adding to it and/or subtracting from it OR they reject YAH’S Law altogether. Both cases are examples of “lawlessness” (anti-law). According to YAH’S Word “without belief it is impossible to please YAH.” True scriptural belief can only be experienced by hearing, (understanding, perceiving) believing YAH’S commentary by HIS Spirit of HIS Word, producing obedience in and through the life! True scriptural belief cannot be experienced in believing and obeying man’s law; his traditions and practices… One Law is of belief; “the law of the SPIRIT of life in Messiah YAHSHUA.” The other law is of unbelief; “the law of sin and death.” I encourage you to choose wisely…

(See article, “Works of Torah EXPOSED!“)